Monday, May 4, 2015

You're Where!? For How Long?

I'm in a hospital bed right now. It's OK! Don't worry! This is just another adventure.

I came in last weekend to be monitored. I'm fine and baby is great, but I do have a rare condition which will cause major trouble if I go into labor. The doctors want me to be close by so they can help me right away if, heaven forbid, that would happen. This means I'm stuck here. If all goes well, I'll have a planned c-section sometime next week. I guess my June-bug is now a May-flower.

My cousin, Quincy was visiting from Seattle when I got the call telling me to come to the hospital. He was super awesome and helpful. Quincy has since moved on to the next destination on his cross-country road trip, and I'm sorry this drama interrupted his stay. At least he has a good story to tell!

Shane has been with me nearly constantly. It was tough for him to go off to work today. But it is usually rather boring here. I'm glad he can save his time off for after the baby arrives. Plus, while he's gone, I get the computer all to myself! If anything does go wrong, friends and co-workers have volunteered to rush him back to me.

As for me, I'm pretty comfortable with this situation now. When I arrived, my feelings were a lot more confused and panicked. This is not how I wanted the birth of my child to go! To add difficulty to an upsetting situation, I wasn't allowed to eat solid food or leave my bed except for bathroom trips at first. But as of today, I am allowed to stroll around this floor of the hospital; and yesterday they started feeding me solid food. My first plate of mediocre cafeteria breakfast tasted like manna from heaven! Now, staying here is almost like a vacation.

By the time this is all over, I will have been here for two weeks, at least. That's a little tough for me to imagine right now. But I will do whatever it takes to keep my baby and myself healthy.

In the meantime, It's finals week for my online courses too. That should keep me busy!

By the way, I welcome any company you want to give, friends! I've been awake during the day all day while I've been here, so go ahead and call or email if you like. If you're nearby and you'd like to visit, that's cool too! (Call/text for directions. This building is a labyrinth.) Or you could see if Shane needs any help taking care of business for us outside of the hospital. Most of all, please keep our tiny family in your thoughts/prayers.

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